From Jabulani Sithole comes this addition to our list:
Bobana Badisang, an active poet and prominent librarian in Botswana.
In a May 2011 literary obituary of Albert G.T.K Malikongwa, a well-known writer in Botswana, she included one of his poems:
Though poets are by death
Removed from the plains of earth
Yet do their literary arts and creations
Their sensibilities that gush from the joys
Of the heart, upwelling from Eternity
Triumph and defy mortality
For their honest zeal and poetic duty
Do compel with great force, wits,
Persuasiveness, gamuts of thematic creations
A permanence of poetic arts
That holds and preserves forever
The glory of artistic minds.
In an article about the 30th Anniversary of the The Writers Association of Botswana (WABO) , she was quoted:
Long time member and WABO archivist, Bobana Badisang said she is often disappointed by the general public’s ignorance of Botswana writing, thus she reiterated the importance of writers’ organisations such as WABO, and the need for WABO to collaborate with other organisations that have similar mandates.
“For Botswana writing to mutate into global writing, writers need to be organised. Organised writers get things done,” she said.