Poets and poetry lovers from across the US have endorsed the National Dead Poets Remembrance Day, now in its 5th year. So far we have 2 former US Poets Laureate, 20 current and former State Poets Laureate, Coleman Barks, Annie Finch, and many other individual poets, artists and supporters.
US Poets Laureate : Donald Hall, Daniel Hoffman
State Poets Laureate: Marjory Wentworth (SC), Maggie Vaughn (TN); Mary Swander (IA);
Former State Poets Laureate: Patricia Fargnoli (NH), Joyce Brinkman (IN), Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda (VA); Norbert Krapf (IN), Sue Walker (AL), Walter Butts (NH), Lisa Starr (RI), Betsy Sholl (ME); Naomi Madgett(Detroit); Marilyn Taylor (WI); Katherine Coles (UT ); Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg (KS); Denise Low-Weso (KS); Mary Crow (CO); Kevin Stein (IL); Carol Muske-Dukes (CA); Cathy Smith Bowers (NC)
Poets: Annie Finch, Coleman Barks, Rhina Espaillat, S. Stephanie, Job Conger, Carle Johnson, Elizabeth McKim, Peddlar Bridges, Bill Gleed,
(To add your endorsement, send it to [email protected])