Friday, October 4th, 4:15 Remembering the Millay Sisters, at the Millay graves, Steepletop NY (directions). The Millay Society will hold a National Dead Poets Day walk to the family graveyard to celebrate all four Millay women. Please assemble at entrance to Millay Poetry Trail by 4:30.
Saturday, October 5th, 12:30 PM A grand New Hampshire celebration in Portsmouth, where several poets will read and reflect on Walter Butts, May Sarton, Robert Lowell, EE Cummings, and Celia Thaxter.
Sunday, October 6th, 3 PM: Celebrating Elizabeth Bishop at her grave in Worcester, MA. Sponsored by the Worcester County Poetry Association.
Midnight, October 6th. 2nd annual Cognac & The Raven at Midnight, Poe Corner, Boston